Activity 1

Team Member Rights      


Sometimes it is helpful for the team to develop a list of team member rights. Typical rights are these:


We have the right to support members emotionally while disagreeing with them intellectually.

We have the right to criticize ideas, but not people.

We have the right to say what we think, whether others agree or not.

Conflicts will occur. We have the right to try to learn and grow from them.

We have the right to expect others to try to overcome avoidance and to deal with conflicts.

We have the right to expect members to try to participate and to work to become more involved.

We have the right to expect we are all equal members; no one member’s ideas are greater than another’s, and all will be subject to the same scrutiny.

We have the right to expect people will leave their power (e.g. position and title) outside the team.

We have the right to express our feelings without being told we “should” feel a different way.

We have the right to expect the process will take a long time and that periodically we will make mistakes.